I want to bring your attention to a smart telescope, which was released earlier this year (2023). It is The Dwarf II automated photography system, and as you’ll see: it's a miraculous device!
The Dwarf II on it’s included tripod (stock photo).
It allows you to:
- Create astrophotos of Deep Sky Objects - Pretty much automatically!
- Focus on, and take photos of terrestrial animals.
- Create sharp, panoramic photos of landscapes - With just a few clicks!
I’m very happy to inform you, that I will be posting a full, multi-part review of The Dwarf II soon…
So, while writing this first, "online look" at The Dwarf II: A random question/idea just occurred to me - Who, exactly would appreciate The Dwarf II the most?
Well, that's easy: Folks who have previously dabbled in (low-cost) astrophotography.
We are the ones who will appreciate this unit the most.
Because we have already gone through many attempts at astrophotography, while staying under a modest budget.
The Dwarf II (stock image).
It’s definitely the perfect device for those wanting to learn about astrophotography. It allows the user to be involved in the process-which is very much like traditional astrophotography. This allows the user to enjoy learning about the subject, and the process - which gives a feeling of accomplishment.
In an upcoming post, I can use myself, as an excellent example - I will share the equipment I acquired, and the resulting astrophotos (of DSO's) I was able to manage.
This will give a baseline idea, of what it’s like, trying to do astrophotography on a budget.
Among the equipment which I will be discussing, will be:
1. Cameras on tripods.
2. CCD camera attached to Canon Camera lens, on an Orion motorized mount.
3. Modified DSLR, with Light Pollution filter(s) on various tracking devices.
Much more to follow - Stay tuned!
Clear skies!
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