Thursday, October 28, 2021

Having Immersed Myself in The Hobby of Astronomy Again...

Having Immersed Myself in The Hobby of Astronomy Again... Some thoughts and ideas. Things which have come to my mind (both old & new revelations) which I thought I'd share.

Some background: For whatever reason, I always find myself "analyzing" and comparing hobbies to each other - far more thoroughly than they should be. I also keep a hard copy (paper) journal for each hobby.

Not long ago, I wrote a (rather quick & unpolished) article for the awesome Micscape Site, which may be see Here.

Now, those actually were my feelings at the time - But since then, I've given a lot more consideration to amateur astronomy. And I've reconsidered it's merits; and realized it needs to be experienced again. 

I've also become quite fascinated (enamored would be a better word) with the various, vintage consumer telescopes, from the 1950's, 1960's and 1970's...

Clear and Steady skies!

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